Developed in Partnership With Professionals Trusted By:
"I can't think of a better marketing tool in the Human Resources realm. It's not cheap, but it works. As this method of promotion takes hold in the marketplace, the question won't be whether you can afford to do it, but whether you can afford not to."
- Ron Garant, Owner/Publisher MI Media
Landing Job Interviews
While Social Distancing
Isn’t Nearly as Easy as They Make It Seem, Is It?
You’ve probably spent hours
or even days
writing and rewriting your resume…
…or invested hundreds,
maybe even thousands of dollars in
professional resume writing services…

…and posting more resumes
on social media
or online job boards.
…all with frustrating results!
But There’s Good News!
My name is Mel Brown
and I know exactly how you’re feeling.
These days, I’ve managed to achieve quite a bit of success:
I’m able to make my own
awesome video interviews
and ace in-person interviews
every time…
I’m able to stand out to recruiters
and speed up the screening process
I’m also very lucky that
I’m crushing it with my networking
and my contacts
refer me for
great opportunities
much more frequently!
But I’ll keep it real with you…
Things Definitely Didn’t Start Out This Way…
Before I ever achieved any success at all,
there were a lot of roadblocks.
There were a few times when these obstacles
made me feel like quitting:
1. No Call Backs or Interviews
After all the work of re-typing my resume information into online applications, those companies didn’t even have the courtesy to let me know if I was being considered or if I should move on.
2. Terrible Interviews
I didn’t know most interviewers (85-90%) were not formally trained on how to conduct proper interviews. When I was lucky enough to get an interview, they asked a bunch of irrelevant questions that didn’t highlight my talent.
3. Getting Ghosted
Some recruiters would lead me to believe that I had a great chance of getting the job and then abruptly stopped communicating.
Of course, you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?
You’ve dealt with recruiters who
waste your time,
avoid your calls,
ignore your emails,
act like bullies.
You’ve tried every trick in the book
to get past those pesky
applicant tracking systems.
You’ve tried
formatting and reformatting your resume
a million different ways…
You’ve tried networking more and improving
your online presence
All of which resulted in
no increase in
callbacks for interviews or offers!
The term “Black Hole” comes to mind.
Sound familiar?
Now social distancing is making
everything even tougher and
you’re still at square one.
Well, I’ve been there and done that…
You can only fail so long until you feel like quitting.
Just Before I Gave Up,
I Got A Simple Idea
That Changed Everything.
Since no one was making the effort
to interview me, I decided to
record my own video interview
and submit it with my resume.
I figured that even if recruiters
ultimately said “No”
they might still take a look
at me because it
wouldn’t require any effort.
I had nothing to lose
so I decided to go for it.
It was an enormous amount of work.
but I finished.
My idea was different, but
I didn’t care
what anyone thought!
I chose to
believe in myself,
accept that
my skills were valid,
and go for it!
I called my resume, self-service interview and
supporting content a “Profile“.
When I shared it with someone, I’d say
“Here’s everything you need to know
to make a decision
about hiring me…”
Yes, I got some strange looks.
But I knew that anyone
looking at my Profile would
be blown away by
my talent, skill and my presentation.
Guess What?
It Worked.
The results speak for themselves:
As soon as I started doing this,
everything instantly got easier:
I Started Getting Callbacks
The phone started ringing. The good recruiters were asking
excellent follow-up questions based on my content, and
inquiring about possible start dates.
The lazy recruiters were asking questions
I’d already answered and still getting my last name wrong.
By the way, how do you screw up “Brown”?

There Were Better Positions
Good recruiters asked about my interest in different fields
and other “unadvertised” positions.
Many were better than the job I was applying for.
Some rude recruiters asked if I could “hold off” on interviews with others.
Good thing I didn’t “hold-off” because they ghosted me anyway…

The Referrals Started
I started getting calls from fantastic recruiters for excellent jobs at
companies I hadn’t applied to. They’d say that I was “referred by someone” at a different company.
Some crappy recruiters had a different referral in mind:
“Would you mind putting me in touch with whoever made this for you…”
Yeah…Let that sink in…

Complete Validation
This happened when I was laid off from my job at a bank.
I was moonlighting as a musician and decided to
see if my Profile worked in the music industry. A late-night talk show host named
Arsenio Hall
was having a contest that required a video submission,
so I sent him my Profile and asked him for a job instead.
He hired me 19 days later.
And told the story to
20 million viewers.
I continued in music and used my Profile to land jobs with some of the
biggest names on the planet.
To date, I’ve recorded on
quite a few successful
recordings as reported in
Billboard Magazine

Billboard Apearances
Top 10 Billboard Singles
#1 Billboard Singles
The Bottom Line:
Regardless of the industry,
My Profile Got Me in the Door
with those better recruiters and employers. My talent and hard work kept me there.
Awesome Recruiters
understood the value of my Profile and took
full advantage of vetting me at lightning speed.
Lousy Recruiters
ignored the Profile, asked questions I’d already answered, and
proved why I wouldn’t want to work with them anyway.

That’s When I Knew
I’d Created Something Really Special.
After achieving this success,
I wanted to share my solution.
Since then, I’ve helped
countless others in many industries
who are still dealing with the same
never-ending crap in their job search,
and anonymously posting their complaints
on social media or blogs
to avoid retaliation from recruiters.
I’ve always thought complaining was useless.
So I decided to stop being a part of the problem and
find a SOLUTION!
I launched a company online called
Connexion Pointe®
with the single goal of making
the screening process
better and faster for
excellent candidates and the
outstanding recruiters
looking for them.
It’s my pleasure to introduce
So what exactly is Pointe Profile®?
Pointe Profile® is an excellent tool
for sharing your resume,
video interview, and
additional video content
at first contact with a
single secure link.
Can this tool really turn everything around?
How does it work?
Yes it can.
For screening,
Pointe Profile® is
Full Contact at First Contact!
Step 1.
First, candidates create a
job-related video interview
in Pointe Profile®.
Step 2.
Next, they use other tools to
create additional video content, and
upload it to Pointe Profile®.
Step 3.
Pointe Profile® creates a single link to
share everything with recruiters.
Step 4.
Then, candidates create a gorgeous resume
using our beautiful resume template.
Step 5.
Recruiters click the link
to see your content in our simple,
easy-to-use companion app
called Pointe Savant®.
Step 6.
If your resume impresses,
your video interview is already right there.
No waiting, no hoping, and
no scheduling.
Step 7.
If they want to know more
your additional video content is
right there, ready and
Step 8.
Then, if they have follow-up questions,
they can send them to you immediately with
our built-in messaging system
called AskMe™.
Step 9.
By this time, any
excellent recruiter
should know if you’re
a good fit or not
based on your merits!
Step 10.
The BEST part:
Everything happens in a
few minutes or hours
instead of
days or weeks.
Even while you’re social distancing!
So, what do experts have to say
about supporting your resume with videos?
Prove you're a contender...include a link to a video or website that further validates your abilities..."
– Lou Adler, The Adler Group
Here’s How Pointe Profile®
Benefits You:
Interview Practice Tool
If you want to be great at interviewing, practice makes perfect. The Interview Practice Tool in Pointe Profile® will help you improve your skills for on-video and in-person interviews! Other similar programs can cost $80 or more per month. Ours is included in Pointe Profile® and free with unlimited use!
Value: $960
Interview Builder™
After practice, it’s time to create your own video interview that highlights all of your best attributes with Interview Builder™. Just enter a job title and Interview Builder™ will show you a list of job-related topics and questions to consider. You can also create your own questions. You’d need a headhunter to represent you this well, but they might charge 10-20% of your first-year salary for this alone! With Interview Builder™, you can speak for yourself and know you’re well-represented!
Value: $5000
Video Playlists
What do experts have to say about having a collection of materials documenting your talent:
"Create an inventory of your accomplishments, including your educational background and work history, to keep at hand should a chance encounter become a contact."
– Allison Doyle, The Balance Careers
Pointe Profile® is good for you because it’s the perfect solution for creating such an inventory in addition to your video interview! First, choose a few really important questions that you wish recruiters would ask. Then go the extra mile using your favorite presentation software to illustrate your answer in 2 minutes or less! Pointe Profile® has playlists to organize your content into three categories: Experience, References, and Insight. Only a professional headhunter could come close to representing you better!
Experience Playlist
Formulate your unique answer to a question like “Can you describe your most significant career accomplishment?” Use your favorite presentation software to combine photos, slides and any other appropriate media to create a short video illustrating your response! Upload the video to the experience playlist to make it available to targeted recruiters. I’ll even show you how!
References Playlist
If you’ve done some excellent work for some folks on your network, they may be willing to go “on the record” and talk about it. Pointe Profile® is an excellent tool for aggregating and sharing testimonials from trusted contacts on your network. There are 3 easy ways to do these videos and I’ll show you how!
Insight Playlist
Many people have skills, experience, or talent that perhaps wasn’t used directly for the job title they are looking for, but relates to it. You can present that information to recruiters using video and the Pointe Profile® “Insights” tab. It’s a LOT EASIER than you think and I’ll show you how!
Value: $5000
Pointe AskMe™
AskMe™ is our response to slow and inefficient follow-up screening. Pointe AskMe™ is a text-based communication system built-in to all of our applications. It enables quick, easy and inexpensive follow-up communication between recruiters and candidates. Recruiters type their questions or comments, select a response date and click send. An alert appears in the candidate’s Pointe Profile® account, where the candidate can immediately respond within the allotted time.
Value: Priceless
Value: $5000
Connexion Pointe® University
CXPU is a series of videos illustrating several methods for organizing your thoughts and answering interview questions in-person or on video. When combined with the Interview Practice Tool, there is no better value on the market for improving your interviewing skills!
Value: $197
You Don’t Have to Take My Word for It…
I have
25 years
of documented proof that
my methods work.
Even though I was
just getting started as a Bassist,
my Profile device
was so strong that
music magazines
ran feature stories about it:
The next time someone tells you that Mel Brown is a top bassist, believe them. They’ve probably seen Brown’s unique enhanced-CD Profile.
Bassist Mel Brown has been causing quite a stir in the music industry lately. He has done more in the last three years than most musicians accomplish in a lifetime. As he puts it, “I am active in virtually every situation available to the modern bassist. Tours, club shows, movies, TV, both soundtrack and on camera acting, jingles, theme songs, corporate dates and endorsing.”
Arsenio Hall played a key role in breaking Mel’s career by inviting him on the show to play before a national television audience. He rose to the occasion by laying down a funky slap groove, completely winning over Arsenio and the audience. Mel took this exposure and made it count, landing a tour with music legend Gladys Knight, recordings with Brian McKnight, and cameo appearances in movies like Viva Rock Vegas and The Nutty Professor 2.
How did he do it, you ask? Well, while the rest of us have been sending out the typical demo discs, Mel has created what he calls his “Profile CD”. This invention is the most amazing self- promotion marketing tool of our time.
…and here are some recent
comments from real folks
about Pointe Profile®:
The software also allows both parties (candidates and hiring entities) to do their prep work upfront before the interview process begins. So while it does take more planning and effort, the return on investment is so much greater to both parties as well…” On the candidate side, they are able to decide for themselves what type of interview they want to give and will get feedback only from interested parties. They don’t need to chase anyone down, wondering if they are interested or not, because they will only hear from companies that ARE interested.
My name is Kim Vehon, and I’m sharing my personal experience on putting together a profile in hopes of finding a new job. I was really grateful for the opportunity to give an employer the full package of experiencing who I am as a candidate so that they can make an educated decision about whether or not I was the right fit for the job.
My profile empowered me to be able to not just able to bring my resume to the table, but really being able to showcase my skill sets and allow them to see the many aspects of skill sets that I have. I think that’s the most powerful thing about Connexion Pointe. It is not assuring that you’re going to get a job. It ensures that you’re able to be confident in what you bring to the table and to be confident they’re able to connect with you as an individual and make an educated choice from there
If you are in a similar situation, I can tell you there are two things:
1 – I did get the job! Yes, I do feel like I give them a lot of information, but the beautiful thing was they were able to look at the things they wanted to look at and bypass everything else.
2 – Going forward, if I’m ever in the situation where I have to to look for a job or network again and allow someone to get to know me, my Pointe Profile® is a tangible resource that exists for them to connect very quickly to my work.
So I would really encourage you to give it a chance just like I did.
Connexion Pointe® is brilliant.
One of those ideas that seems obvious after hearing about it… but of course if that were the case someone else would have done it first.
I really want the company to succeed, and I think it fits in perfectly with modern technology/media.
Using the Connexion Pointe video-interview and online learning tools helped me create a “rock star” first impression online interview that is easily included with my resume to H.R. departments and recruiters. This gives me the extra advantage I need to approach any career or job application I desire with confidence that my resume will stand-out amongst the crowd.
“Yes! This looks great, and
I want to get in on it but
what’s the catch?”
you could skip over this offer today
and purchase a few sessions with a
career coach at $400 per hour instead.
But you’d have to shell out at least $4000.00.
But don’t worry!
You won’t have to pay
anywhere near that amount
As a matter of fact,
I’m going to
sweeten the deal
for you right now with an
All-Access Pass for
Pointe Profile® Early Adopters…
Purchase Your
Pointe Profile® All-Access Pass
Today and You’ll Also Get
Lifetime Access
To All of These Free Bonuses…
Bonus 1
Connexion Pointe® ProNetwork™
What good are all of these tools if you still have to apply for jobs online through an ATS? Networking is king for getting the job you want! I created ProNetwork so that excellent recruiters and candidates can focus on connecting with the first interview already done, and putting some “Human” back into Human Resources!
ProNetwork takes the familiar social media functionality you already know and applies it to pure screening. Unlike other social media networks, ProNetwork is all screening, all of the time.
I really mean it! Pandering, puppies and politics are for LinkStaBook. They’re strictly prohibited on ProNetwork™.
ProNetwork™ Is Screening at the Speed of Social and None of the Noise!
Membership for ProNetwork will be $97/mo after this offer closes!
Value: $1164
Bonus 2
3 to Get Ready
The Definitive Guide to Standing out in the Video Age
Don’t know where to start or uncomfortable with video? We’ve got you covered!
Learn the 3 types of videos you should be using to support your resume and how to create them for FREE! My masterclass is packed with examples, step-by-step guides, and advice to get you started fast!
If you’ve ever used the term “video resume”, please go sit in the corner and take a 10-minute time out!
Afterward, you should update your video knowledge and perspectives by GETTING THIS OFFER!
This is an excellent place to start if you don’t have the money laying around for a professional career coach!
Value: $197
Bonus 3
Pointe Profile® Resume Builder
This is a good thing because at Connexion Pointe® we understand that an excellent, well-formatted cover letter and chronological resume are “must-haves”. Use our template to create a beautiful PDF resume and cover letter. It’s the same awesome template you’ve seen on national TV!
Other templates can cost $25 per month for continuous access. Ours is free to you with unlimited use!
Value: $300
You’ll Get LIFETIME ACCESS To All of
These Great Bonus Tools Worth
Completely Free!
But there is one thing…
This is a limited time offer and it’s
only available to early adopters for a short time.
Once the offer closes, we
won’t release it again
at this price.
I’m doing this because early adopters
are starting with us and
building with us by
contributing to something new
and sorely needed
in the screening space.
My team and I are committed
to making our platform a
worthwhile investment
for excellent job seekers
conscientious recruiters
Once the doors are closed,
you will not see this
low price again.
Not to worry though.
To make your decision
extremely easy,
I’m going to remove all risk.
I want to guarantee you take
advantage of this offer today,
and feel good about it.
You’re protected by our
30-day money-back
If you’re not completely satisfied,
for any reason at all,
get in touch with my team and
we will give you a
complete refund.
It’s that simple.
“Yes Mel, I Want In! But How Much Will This Cost Me?”
I’m Glad You Asked…
I’m stoked for you to jump in and get started.
Even more so, I can’t wait for you to
see the results that are waiting
for you on the other side.
Here’s a quick recap of
everything you’ll receive
today when you
purchase your
Pointe Profile®
The All-Access Pass For Pointe Profile®
Early Adopters Includes:
1. Interview Practice Tool (Valued at $960)
2. Interview Builder™ (Valued at $5000)
3. Video Playlists (Valued at $5000)
4. Pointe AskMe™ (Valued at PRICELESS)
5. CXP University (Valued at $197)
6. CXP ProNetwork (Valued at $1164)
7. 3 To Get Ready (Valued at $197)
8. Resume Builder (Valued at $300)
1. Interview Practice Tool
(Valued at $960)
2. Interview Builder™
(Valued at $5000)
3. Video Playlists
(Valued at $5000)
4. Pointe AskMe™
(Valued at PRICELESS)
5. CXP University
(Valued at $197)
6. CXP ProNetwork
(Valued at $1164)
7. 3 To Get Ready
(Valued at $197)
8. Resume Builder
(Valued at $300)
Total Value of $12,818.00
For A ONE-TIME payment of ONLY…

Just a reminder:
This offer will be closing soon
without further notice!
You’re protected by our money back guarantee.
So you can try it out today,
and enjoy peace of mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the All Access Pass a one-time fee or a monthly subscription?
The Pointe Profile® All Access Pass is a $97 one-time fee. There are no additional charges.
Do you have a free trial for Pointe Profile®?
Pointe Profile does not offer a free trial.
What if your products are not what I expect?
We have a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Please be sure to review everything on this page before you purchase.
What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?
We’re here for technical support Mon – Fri from 7 AM – 10 PM. We do check for requests during off-hours and weekends but much less frequently. As with any new technology, software, system, product, etc. we expect some problems and bugs, and so you should too. We are fully committed to giving our users the best support and addressing issues as fast as possible.
Is there an additional charge for each video interview?
No there are no additional interview charges with Pointe Profile®.
Is there a limit to how many recruiters I can share interview link with?
No, there is no limit.
Can I include my Pointe Profile® Interview on job applications?
Absolutely! Most online applications actually support URLs and including URLs in a resume is also quite common.
Does Connexion Pointe® do live interviews too?
No. With so many excellent and affordable video conferencing tools on the market, we prefer to focus our resources and service on asynchronous recorded interviews.
Isn't this product better for folks in the entertainment business?
Pointe Profile® is so effective in virtually any industry because it offers a preview of any candidate AND a custom-tailored video interview at first contact – with virtually no effort required from the recruiter. The information is organized, easy to access, and FAST. For business professionals, Pointe Profile® provides a preview of their soft skills, personality, style, and demeanor to help recruiters determine fit for any position. For entertainers, Pointe Profile® provides a preview of an audition and an interview. For athletes and sports professionals, Pointe Profile® provides a preview of a tryout and an interview. All of these characteristics also apply to students and student recruiting.
Is Pointe Profile® suitable for executive search?
Yes! As a matter of fact, because our Pointe Profile® app offers such a vast amount of information in a compact, well-organized, and easy to use package, our platform is very well suited for executive search.
Can I access Pointe Profile® on my mobile device?
Mobile devices are not supported at this time.
Can I use Connexion Pointe® to advertise my business?
No. We recommend that you use a dedicated website for that purpose.
Don’t Wait!
The New Normal Is Happening
Right Now!
You’re Going to Need a Tool Like This in the Coming Months
No Matter What Happens with the Economy…
The All-Access Pass Has
Everything You Need and
There’s No Risk!
Don’t miss this limited time
offer to get
“Grandfathered In” at this
low one-time price!
1. Interview Practice Tool (Valued at $960)
2. Interview Builder™ (Valued at $5000)
3. Video Playlists (Valued at $5000)
4. Pointe AskMe™ (Valued at PRICELESS)
5. CXP University (Valued at $197)
6. CXP ProNetwork (Valued at $1164)
7. 3 To Get Ready (Valued at $197)
8. Resume Builder (Valued at $300)
1. Interview Practice Tool
(Valued at $960)
2. Interview Builder™
(Valued at $5000)
3. Video Playlists
(Valued at $5000)
4. Pointe AskMe™
(Valued at PRICELESS)
5. CXP University
(Valued at $197)
6. CXP ProNetwork
(Valued at $1164)
7. 3 To Get Ready
(Valued at $197)
8. Resume Builder
(Valued at $300)